Building the World's First Computer

Charles Babbage is equally famous for two things: inventing the first computer, and failing to build it. -- Doron Swade About six months ago I got involved with, a 12-year-old project that is investigating whether it would be possible to build, for the first time, one of Charles Babbage's many designs for the first computer, which he called the "Analytical Engine". They estimate that it is a 15 to 20 year project that will cost $20M to $40M. I proposed first building a complete but simplified engine that doesn't follow precisely any of Babbage's 30-odd designs, but uses his ideas and mechanisms. I wrote and iterated on a proposal which is now 40 pages long: . In the "garage startup" tradition, I started on my own to write some simulators and to create 3D printed parts for experimental prototypes of subsections. My plans and progress have been d...